Sunday 5 January 2014

Today was mum's 85th Birthday. Mum and Dad did not have a comfortable life, but despite all the odds against them, they managed to raise the two of us and while Dad went on to be with the Lord in 1989, Mum has lived on to see her grandchildren.

They had little, yet lived a joyful life in Calcutta, far far away from home. I remember the coal-steam engine train rides back to home every Christmas - used to take 5 days between Calcutta and Trivandrum, with no modern travel comforts, coal dust in the eyes, etc.. But they enjoyed life, contributed to the church and to society. She is 85 now and in the sunset of her life. We her children and grandchildren have much more and more comforts than they could ever hope to have - yet we  still have not been able to imbibe the principles they followed. They have left us examples of joyful sacrifice and i can only hope that we will follow their footsteps. Happy birthday Mum!

Saturday 4 January 2014

Mothballing our principles?

Christmas and New Year, like the seasons of the year, have come and gone. Just like the umbrellas during the rains and the woolens in winter are mothballed till the next year, the lights and the glitter have been packed up into storage. Today I took down our 6-year old star – a miracle that it has survived so far considering that it is exposed to the elements day and night - and mothballed it too.

Just wondering what makes Christmas and New Year so special? A celebration initially confined to the Christian community, it has now transcended boundaries. What about the principles, the foundation, and beliefs about Christmas? We talk so much about them during the season, preach it aloud from every pulpit, and sing about it caroling door to door.

Are these packed up and mothballed too? Or do they remain with us right through the year, guiding our thoughts and actions?

Till 25th Dec 2014, Adieus!